COVID Week 2 + Boredom
COVID Week 2 + Boredom
Holy crap! We’re already two weeks into the mandated closure to dine in sales! (For a little perspective, The Wicked Sister rebuilt a business in about 18 hours two weeks ago – Hey Delivery!) So being able to say that we’ve managed to survive, although not necessarily thrive, in the last two weeks feels like an enormous accomplishment. Especially when so many of our colleagues have made the difficult to close – a decision I’m sure they did not make lightly.
The Wicked Sister’s ability to remain open – we are definitely not a self-funding enterprise – is no doubt due to my amazing crew who have continued to just roll with and adjust to all the changes AND to our amazing guests who just continue to roll with and adjust to all the changes!
In regard to Sunday Funday – it’s clear you all are missing us as much as we miss you! We sold out of our Bloody Mary Mix and have just a handful of Caesar Mix left over. We also sold out of Biscuits & Chorizo Gravy! I told Scotty yesterday that I wish I could ride along with him on deliveries just to see the look on peoples’ faces when they realize that honest-to-God Scotty too Hotty is at their door! I imagine it’s the local equivalent to Ellen DeGeneres showing up with burgers and Bloody Mary mix! Alas, I won’t know because I spent the bulk of yesterday wrapping up 2019 tax business. (This is completely normal for me and you should all feel very bad for my accountant, whom I love dearly!)
Kody spent the day rocking out to 80s and 90s pop music – something we could all get behind! I tried to make him Facebook famous while he was singing, but he declined. It’s a shame because he’s really very talented!
Another week of social distancing and we’re trying to come up with some new fun to keep us – and you – entertained during our time apart. Tim & Lindsay Ellis at Eagle Radio 95.1 will be hosting their Live Request Happy Hour Party at on Friday April 3. I’ll for sure be tuning in at 5pm for their Shenanigans! On April 10, we are definitely going to have to some fun with Eagle Radio – stay tuned for more updates on that!
While we’re keeping as busy as we can here at The Wicked Sister, it’s literally just US! So if you come in for a pick up order or call on the phone and we’re a bit clingy – my apologies. I know it seems like we’re the elderly, distant relative that just doesn’t want you to leave so you can eat more nine-month-old fruit cake, but we can’t help it.
We’re lonely. So help me, if I have to hear one more thing about Tiger King from Every. Single. Person. Who. Works. Here., I might swallow glass! I get it. It’s decent entertainment and one of the characters has a bleached mullet. All the things I look for in TV shows – Wait, what? It seems like King of the Hill and The Crocodile Hunter had a very obnoxious baby. However, I haven’t actually watched it so there’s a chance I’m wrong.
We are learning an awful lot about each other right now. So far, Liv is winning in the secret talent category! She can juggle, rap AND can make paper bag puppets like I’ve never seen – seriously, Muppet quality. In her down time at The Wicked Sister, I’m forcing her to create more puppets so that we can hopefully have a Puppet Theater in the near future. This was honestly the highlight of my day.
We’re also working on a new recipe – Reuben Dip! We’ll see how it turns out. Considering our Construction Dip was an accident during the road construction on Ashmun St. during 2015, I’m feeling OK with our new endeavor given the current circumstances. I promise to keep you updated on the process and whether or not we decided to make it available to order!