Now Selling Holiday Cheer!
Now Selling Holiday Cheer!
We’re missing all of you!! Well…most of you. 😊
Being shut down for a second time in one year just feels so 2020; however, it feels a lot different than where we were in March, too. We’re not scrambling to completely pivot from on-premise to 100% off-premise dining. We’re not trying to figure out delivery and managing the unique challenges of packaging food to go. We’ve spent almost nine months getting pretty good at carry out and delivery so there’s confidence that The Wicked Sister will be just fine.
Also, I can feel light at the end of the COVID tunnel despite being closed to Dine In for the foreseeable future. Vaccines are supposed to roll out later this month. Starting later this month, too, we’ll start seeing longer daytime hours and less dark hours. It’s a welcomed sense of heading in the right direction. I’m hopeful that this will be the last shutdown – If you disagree feel free to keep your opinion to yourself because after this poop-circus of a year, I need to feel a little hope!
Since this partial closure didn’t have the same Do or Die rush that we experienced in March, we were able to focus on making some fun, festive cheer! The Wicked Sister Pop Up Market is officially open for business and we’re adding new items as they arrive.
All our regular merchandise – Shirts, Hoodies, Hats & Glassware -- are displayed and available for you to peruse. There’s also beer, wine & snacks available – whether you are shopping for holiday gifts or to treat yourself! You are welcome to come in and shop; however, if you feel more comfortable, you can call ahead, and we can pack up your purchases and deliver it curbside!
While I’m not a “retail minded” person, it was a ton of fun putting together a product line that I think will be enjoyed through the holidays! We even brought out some rare, hard to find beers from our cellared stash. Selfishly, I did include some of my favorite beer and wine that remind me of being with family and friends. The foods that will be arriving within the next week are also things that we serve at home when we have company.
For the beer nerd in your life, we have a few special ones. First, Invictus! A Russian Imperial Stout from Flying Monkeys out of Barrie, Ontario. At $60 for a 750 ml bottle, it is the most expensive beer I have ever drank…by far! However, it’s delicious and rich, and you can literally taste the love and pride that went into this beer. Oh yea – it was made in 2015! At 18%+ ABV, it ages just fine in the bottle and the extra time between bottling and drinking will help bring out the warm vanilla notes prevalent from the barrel aging. This is also the rarest beer we’ve ever had at The Wicked Sister – we received one of only THREE cases that came to the US!
More from our cellared beer stash – 2019 KBS. We also have a limited about of 2020 KBS bottles available which means you could enjoy a vertical flight from your own home! Both are available in 12 oz. bottles from Founder’s Brewing Co. and are $8 each, making them fantastic stocking stuffers for the grownups!
Hopefully, next week we can start offering Party in a Box kits which you can customize with your choices of beverages, snacks and swag! They will be available for pick up or delivery with proper ID. You can tune in to The Wicked Sister’s first ever Facebook Live event on Saturday December 12 at 8:00pm where we’ll be showing you all the deliciousness available!